Web based documenting of records identified with offer reports, plans of course of action, takeovers and buybacks should be submitted just online to Sebi from April 1, the business sectors controller said on Friday. In a roundabout, Sebi noticed that the synchronous recording of reports – physical and online-should begin from February 1 and proceed till March 31, 2018. From that point, from April 1, 2018 physical recording of archives ought to be suspended and just web based documenting will be acknowledged, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said. The controller additionally asked those vendor investors and perceived stock trades which are required to record offer reports and draft plan of game plan in physical frame, to at the same time present the same online through Sebi middle person entrance. Sebi has effectively exhorted the enrolled trader financiers and perceived stock trades to actuate their online records. With a specific end goal to encourage simplicity of operations, the controller has presented an online framework for filings identified with open issues, rights issues, institutional situation program, plans of game plan, takeovers and buybacks.